PR Premier

Services and Expertise

While realizing complex programs and individual projects, PR-Premier engages various marketing and communication tools. We help companies patch up relations with various audiences, offering effective solutions and wide range of opportunities.

Public Relations

PR-Premier in line with PR-support of our clients develops and realizes complex communication programs, renders consultation support to our clients and partners, conducts special trainings and programs to spokespersons and experts of the companies. We lend support on settlement of crisis situations, offering special solutions for different audiences.

Media Relations

PR-Premier specialists are well-oriented in tendencies of the Russian media market. Our Media Relations Department consists of specialists having wide experience in cooperation with business, glossy and vertical media. We have equal firm relations both with national and regional media.

  • Cooperate with media on a retainer basis
  • Initiate and realize joint projects with media
  • Organize special events for media
  • Provide media support of events and actions
  • Provide monitoring of information field and prepare analytical reports and reviews


PR-Premier’s advertising service provides complex realization of ad campaigns on various carriers and throughout the country. We search for new solutions and original approaches.

PR-Premier provides with the following ad services:

  • Ad campaign development and planning
  • Ad projects realization in press, Internet, on TV and on radio
  • Ad placement in transport and outdoor advertising

Corporate Communications and Public Affairs

PR-Premier in line with its complex support of the companies develops and realizes corporate communications programs.

  • We create, develop and maintain corporate social responsibility programs (charitable and sponsor projects)
  • Cooperate with NGOs, professional associations and opinion leaders
  • Initiate social events and programs on federal and regional levels


PR-Premier has gained unique experience in organizing various events. From press conferences to solemn meetings, from operation of exhibition stands to subject team-building held abroad – our specialists are ready to conducts the whole range of organization works.

We develop and organize:

  • Special events (openings, presentations)
  • Conferences and seminars
  • Corporate trainings and team-buildings
  • Programs in line with professional events and branch exhibitions


PR-Premier’s Creative Department has all resources to create ideas, their visualization and follow-up realization.

We offer:

  • Naming and copywriting
  • Development of creative concepts for ad campaigns and events
  • Scripting of ad commercials, corporate and animation films
  • Development of corporate style of company or product
  • Creation and adaptation of ad images
  • Page design and makeup

Web Developments:

Web Development Department bears complex responsibility for creation, maintain and promotion of product, corporate and promotional sites. We cooperate with experienced web-designers and use high-tech and convenient for further maintenance executive system in our projects.

  • Development of corporate style of company or product
  • Search optimization and promotion
  • Complex administrating and technical support

Regional Projects and Road Show

PR-Premier consists of a professional team with major in realization of regional projects of any scale and complexity. PR-Premier’s regional team conducts and holds city holidays, corporate days, establishes Representative Offices and stores, special events. We have unique developments and opportunities aimed to introduce brightly our clients in all Russian regions.

Call Centre

Call Centre specialists in line with projects and campaigns provide the Hot Line maintenance with stable and professional work, maintain and update databases, and carry out telephone surveys.

Aiming to maintain consumer’s comfort, we offer our clients free phone services (federal phone number 8 – 800 - …). Our specialists carefully collect statistical information and timely provide with analytical reports about the work of our hot lines.

We engage professional operators and experts to provide our clients’ consumers with specialized consultations.

  • Hot Lines development and maintenance
  • Product and corporate consultations
  • Engagement of professional staff to work on hot lines
  • Free phone services (8-800-…)
  • Statistics collection and database updating