PR Premier

Project “KinoSTART”

The company PR-Premier has began a new step of All-Russia educational cinema project “KinoSTART” for children and young people. Project “KinoSTART”

The author of the original idea and the general sponsor of the project is “Panasonic” company. The main target of the project is to teach children and teenagers how to shoot real films. The first step of the project took part in spring, 2004. 16 children’s and teenager’s creative teams from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod have presented their films at a big film festival, that was organized at the end of the project. All films were highly estimated by the professional jury of the festival.

The project will continue its work in autumn 2004. This time the children, that will take part in the project will be from Perm, Ekaterinburg, Samara, Rostov -on –Don. The specially invited professionals will teach children how to create and prepare the scrip. Then the children will shoot their own short films, with the help of Panasonic equipment.

PR-Premier, the same as during the first step of the project, will provide the full organization of the project and the information support of “ KinoSTART” Internet site.

Client: Panasonic