PR Premier

Press conference, devoted to the end of polar expedition “Chelyuskin -70”

PR-Premier organized press conference, devoted to the end of polar expedition “Chelyuskin -70”. Press conference, devoted to the end of polar expedition “Chelyuskin -70”

The press conference took place in club “Expedition”. Russian Underwater Museum, the main organizer of the expedition, decided to investigate the remains of the legendary ship “Chelyuskin”, that sank 70 years ago. The main sponsor of the expedition is Panasonic. According to the main conception of the company - Panasonic – ideas for life, it pays much attention to the support of extreme projects, that develop our ideas about the abilities of ordinary men.

The commander of the expedition A. Michailov, gave the detailed information about the scientific researches that have been held on board a ship “Academic Lavrentev” within a week to the journalists of leading Mass Media that took part in the press-conference.

Client: Panasonic