PR-Premier has provided support for Pfizer (pharmaceutical company) to hold the press conference “Overcoming of male sexuality crisis or life-long sex”. This press conference has been carried under the auspices of the large-scale education project conducted by Pfizer and urged to draw attention to the problem of male sexual health.
Periodically passing through sexual failures, men keep on treating themselves not so carefully. As a general rule, from 3 to 5 years pass from the first failure to the active form of disease. But instead of visiting doctors in time men waste time on self-medication. Only 10% of those who require help consult a doctor.
Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, urologist Oleg Loran, Prof. Roshen Seyfulla, representative of Pfizer Victoria Marakina and world-known figure skaters Anton Sikharulidze and Elena Berezhnaya told about the urgency of the issue and ways how to overcome this problem. The sportsmen participated in the project and were leading characters of the commercial “Life-long sex” because they wanted to draw people’s attention to the issue of sexual relations and moreover they emphasized the fact that people could improve their life.
The Olympic champions are fully confident: Don’t give up to your route! It is their opinion that the project “Life-long sex” will help many people find out the truth.
Client: Pfizer