PR Premier

Press-tour of Federal Media to Munich, Germany.

In the end of July 2014 Russian national social project “Little Big Passenger” had organized the press-tour to Germany for visiting the factory of Alemanic German Auto Club (ADAC) for watching crash-test of child restraints. Press-tour of Federal Media to Munich, Germany.

ADAC – the largest social organization of German automobilists, the largest in Europe. Main function – technical, information and legal assistance on the road. The big attention the club spare to contrastive analysis and quality checking of declared issues, bench running, including crash-tests for stiffness and test reliability. Tests are made for cars and child restraints. On regular basis club is publishing report data of researches for customer support.

Exactly bench running’s of child restrains visited Russian media. Besides of crash-tests journalists also could take an interview from ADAC experts. All materials, collected during the press-tour, would be used for informing Russian sociality about the problem of child safety in the car.

PR-Premier professionals had organized complex services of organization and media relations.

Client: General Motors