PR Premier

The All-Russian television space bridge for pediatricians “Optimizing nutrition for infants

On October 7, 8, 14, 15, 2010, the All-Russian television space bridge for pediatricians “Optimizing nutrition for infants. A scientific approach” took place. The event united more than 1250 specialists from 22 cities within the whole territory of the Russian Federation: Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod and others. The All-Russian television space bridge for pediatricians “Optimizing nutrition for infants

Topical problems, related to issues of artificial feeding and choosing of milk formulas with optimal compositions for infant nutrition, were discussed by the event’s participants: Igor Y. Kon, honored science worker, M.D., head of children nutrition department at RARDE of nutrition of RAMS, Irina N. Zakharova, doctor of higher category, M.D., professor, head of pediatrics subdepartment at RMAPGE, Elena S. Keshishyan, M.D., professor, head of neonatology and infant pathology scientific department and centre of toddler development correction at RARDE of pediatrics and children surgery, Julia A. Mokhova, candidate of medical science, medical advisor of medical and infant nutrition department at Abbott in Russia, Irina I. Chukaeva, head of outpatients therapy subdepartment at RSMU, and Arina A. Sharapova, anchorwoman.

All organizational issues in Moscow and other regions were provided by specialists from PR-Premier Marketing Communications Agency.

Client: Abbott Laboratories S.A.