PR Premier

Eleventh All-Russian Oncologic Congress

PR-Premier provided realization of the symposium and the stand for Pfizer held in line with the Eleventh All-Russian Oncologic Congress held on November 20-22 at Russian Academy of Public Administration. Eleventh All-Russian Oncologic Congress

Satellite symposium ‘Modern aspects of metastatic colorectal cancer therapy. Campto: progress in science and in clinical practice’ was held on the last day of the exhibition.

Acad. Lichinitser and Prof. Gorbunova discussed the problem of colorectal cancer therapy and the role of Pfizer medications therein in line with the symposium.

Specialists of PR-Premier conducted the whole range of works on organization and realization of the event, preparation of brand souvenir products and mobile stand, and holding the final banquet.

Client: Pfizer