PR Premier

Show for company Panasonic, as a part of the general action Panasonic ideas for life

The company PR-Premier organized a show for company Panasonic, as a part of the general action Panasonic ideas for life. The start of the action was in May. Show for company Panasonic, as a part of the general action Panasonic ideas for life

During summer, 16 Russian cities took part in the action. On the 18 of September, 2004 the outstanding entertaining show took part in Moscow. A well-known place of recreation – All-Russian Exhibition Center - was chosen as a place for the show. The scene was placed before the main entrance of the exhibition. The show included: demonstration of Panasonic innovations, funny contests and quizzes with presents.

The participants of the contests had to show skillful usage of Panasonic household appliances: for example to gather semolina, that was spilled on the floor with the help of very powerful Panasonic vacuum cleaner. It is very simple, if you are at home, but to do the same in front of 5 thousand spectaculars and to stay calm was not an easy thing to.

Photo camera, video camera and mobile phone were prizes for the winners of the contest. But all participants of the contests got a ticket for the flight on a real air balloon.

Moscow became the 17-th Russian city where the action Panasonic ideas for life took place.

Client: Panasonic