PR Premier

New-Year party for children-orphans

PR-Premier on order of Panasonic organized the New-Year party for 300 children-orphans (6-14 years old) in 4 Moscow orphan’s shelters. New-Year party for children-orphans

The script of the party included cognitive and entertaining parts. Schoolchildren visited the computer class, planetarium and pet’s corner. Small visitors (6-7 years old) amused in game rooms.

The New-Year show was organized in the form of computer game and adapted specially for children –orphans that have lack of joy, human contact and warmth in ordinary life. That is why every child was involved into thrilling show and took active part in it.

At the end of the party every child got present from Farther Frost; orphan’s shelters and Center on Vorobyevy hills got TV-sets. The organization of New Year party for children-orphans became one more Panasonic charity action within global strategy of the company – Panasonic ideas for life.

Client: Panasonic